Welcome to Historic Riverside
Posted by Vickie 13 December 2017
Note: This is not an official site of the historic Riverside Cemetery, but rather, a project of love and respect for our kindred dead. It is the hope of this site creator to identify and promote memories of those individuals buried at Riverside Cemetery.
Riverside Cemetery does host various tours throughout the year. Please contact Robin Brilz, heritage@fairmountcemetery.net / 720-351-6537.
For a peek at the various tours that are offered at both Riverside and Fairmount -- http://fairmountheritagefoundation.org/fhf-guided-tours/
As the Rocky Mountains to the West serve as a distant back-drop, nestled between the South Platte River to the West and the BNSF Railroad tracks to the East, is the old Riverside Pioneer Cemetery. Riverside Cemetery came to be in 1876, a replacement to City Cemetery in Denver. Riverside was intended to be outside Denver proper, near to the trolley tracks, so that the Denver area residents could make their Sunday visits and picnic amidst the vast array of flowers, shrubs, and trees to sit with family and friends near to those they loved, which were since laid to rest.
In 1900, Riverside was purchased by Fairmount Cemetery, which to this day, continues its day to day operation in Denver, along Quebec Street.
Riverside is the final resting place of a variety of people; from poor to affluent and from the simple to the famous; some merely passing through time, some leaving their mark on history.
Riverside is located at: 5201 Brighton Blvd., Denver, Colorado 80216 -- about a mile north of I-70, a little before York Street.
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